Evan: If you aren't good and do bad things, Santa will take you off the good list and put you on the naughty list, Meagan.
Meagan: I not on the bad list!
Evan: I know, but if you keep doing bad things you will be put on the bad list. Santa does that. He watches.
Meagan: No! I not on the bad list! I tellin'!
*runs to me*
Meagan: Mom, I not on the bad list.
Me: No, you aren't on the naughty list, sweetheart.
Evan: I was just telling her that she needs to be good because if she does bad things Santa will put her on the naughty list. That is just what he does.
Meagan: NOOOO, EVAN. HE NOT! I AM A GIRL! I not on the bad list. Girls not on the bad list. You on the bad list. You a boy.
(I am dying laughing right now...)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Meagan, November 10, 2011
Baby Megs has decided that octopuses should be called 'applepuses.' Each syllable very pronounced. Very cute
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Meagan, November 10, 2011
Should I be concerned that Meagan is chanting, "Hot fire. I love you, hot fire. You're very orange and yellow." LOL
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Aidan Sean, 6/18/2011
Per Christopher: Evan and I were discussing Ecclesiastes 3: 6, "a time to keep, and a time to cast away;" I said, "Can you explain what it means that there is a good time to keep something, and a good time to throw stuff away?" Aidan interjects, "or SELL IT, because that way you can make money!" (He never loses focus! LOL)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Evan Charles Dennison 6/1/2011
I have 7 of those little storage ottomans in all different colors and I like to change the lids around so they all have different colored lids.. And then it's only a matter of time until Evan notices and switches them all back, "How they go." LOL He just put them all back. It bothers me that they match just as much as it bothers him when they don't. Ha. Changing them back. :)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Evan Charlie 5/25
Evan is very excited to be getting visitors today. His kindergarten teachers are coming to visit him this afternoon and bringing him a welcome gift bag. He asked me if this means kindergarten starts this week or if he still has to wait until August. LOL So this morning he said that he had to take a bath so he wouldn't be stinky (as usual, he ran his own bath, and washed and dried himself), then he got dressed in a button down shirt so he would look nice for his company, and then said he had to brush his teeth too because his breath had to smell good. He changed shirts twice. And now he's asking me every few minutes when they are going to be here. :)
The other day the boys were talking about what they want to be when they grow up and Evan said he wants to work on bridges and build and design houses. So, I told him architects design houses and bridges. Today he said, "Mom, I'm going to grow up and design and build you a house. And it's going to have a pool inside (SWEEET!) and I'm going to build it out of bricks so nothing can knock it over (been reading The Three Little Pigs lately? HA!) and put windows in it (thanks for that!) and make sure the doors are REALLY bigger than usual because I'm going to be very tall and I will need to be able to come in and visit you.
<3 it! :)
The other day the boys were talking about what they want to be when they grow up and Evan said he wants to work on bridges and build and design houses. So, I told him architects design houses and bridges. Today he said, "Mom, I'm going to grow up and design and build you a house. And it's going to have a pool inside (SWEEET!) and I'm going to build it out of bricks so nothing can knock it over (been reading The Three Little Pigs lately? HA!) and put windows in it (thanks for that!) and make sure the doors are REALLY bigger than usual because I'm going to be very tall and I will need to be able to come in and visit you.
<3 it! :)
Meagan Olivia Shea 5/19/2011

She was so cute! She saw a shirt at Baby Gap that had a picture of a girl walking a dog and the girl had a purse on her shoulder. She let go of my hand and ran in to get it... "Shirt! Purse! Dog!" Then looks down at the mannequin's feet..."Shoes!" She went to the racks and started rifling through them. I told her they didn't have the shirt in her size so she kept walking through the store. We went to the back (in between she pulled off a pink t-shirt with puppies on it and when the sales clerk said, "I don't think that will fit you" She rolled her eyes at him and said "DOGS!" As if that explained everything.) At the back of the store, she saw the shirt she liked again, and I found it for her in her size. Meanwhile, her eyes lit upon the headband (pictured above) the matching shorts, and the sunglasses (which are the same ones the girl on the shirt is wearing). She grabbed them all up and marched to the cash register. LOL This is the official first time she has picked out an outfit.. and she pretty much broke my piggy bank. EEEK! But she has good taste. The outfit is cute. After we left she insisted on carrying the bag through the whole mall. :)
Oh... about 5 minutes afterwards, she looked in the bag and gasped "SHOES!!" Yeah.. we forgot to buy the matching shoes. My wallet thanks me for that.
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