Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

I accidentally deleted the entire photo card on my digital camera. :( Lost so many good pictures of Christmas!
I thought I'd type up a quick little memory blog. I'll write more as I remember stuff!

I forgot my dad's present here at our house and so I made him an IOU card just to be silly. I wrapped it in tissue paper and put it in a gift bag. When dad unwrapped it he missed the card and pulled out a pine needle that had dropped in the bag. It hit Evan Charlie so funny that he giggled and giggled! "Oh! Pop Pop thought the pine needle was his Christmas present!!" He constantly retells that one! :)

Meagan leaned up against my Uncle Charlie just looking up at him wanting snuggles! She is so picky about who she goes to voluntarily, it was just so precious! I had the best pic of that on my camera. Bummed I deleted it! She sat on his lap for a while.

Meagan was so cute unwrapping presents... VERY SLOWLY! At Aunt Sandy's house she sat with her arms around the puppy she got for her first gift and just kept sliding one hand in and out of her second present. It took her quite awhile to decide to see what was inside.

Aidan is on the verge of losing his belief in Santa. He's a bit of a skeptic, but he has to cover all the bases. "Santa is NOT REAL!!" "Mom, we better leave out milk and cookies AND carrots for all the reindeer, because if Santa comes we have to have something for him!"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Evan Charlie 12/8/2010

Me: Evan Charlie, I think I am going to take a nap today. My ear and neck hurt soo bad.

Evan: You should.

Me: Yeah, but I don't want to leave you all by yourself out here. I don't want you to be lonely while Meagan and I are sleeping.

Evan: (a slow smile spreads across his face) It's okay. I'm not lonely. I know that God is always with us, so it's okay. You can take a nap.

Awww. :)