She was so cute! She saw a shirt at Baby Gap that had a picture of a girl walking a dog and the girl had a purse on her shoulder. She let go of my hand and ran in to get it... "Shirt! Purse! Dog!" Then looks down at the mannequin's feet..."Shoes!" She went to the racks and started rifling through them. I told her they didn't have the shirt in her size so she kept walking through the store. We went to the back (in between she pulled off a pink t-shirt with puppies on it and when the sales clerk said, "I don't think that will fit you" She rolled her eyes at him and said "DOGS!" As if that explained everything.) At the back of the store, she saw the shirt she liked again, and I found it for her in her size. Meanwhile, her eyes lit upon the headband (pictured above) the matching shorts, and the sunglasses (which are the same ones the girl on the shirt is wearing). She grabbed them all up and marched to the cash register. LOL This is the official first time she has picked out an outfit.. and she pretty much broke my piggy bank. EEEK! But she has good taste. The outfit is cute. After we left she insisted on carrying the bag through the whole mall. :)
Oh... about 5 minutes afterwards, she looked in the bag and gasped "SHOES!!" Yeah.. we forgot to buy the matching shoes. My wallet thanks me for that.
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